Reese's All Trees Are Beautiful

"More like Christmas Turds"

Webby Award Winner. Canne Silver Lion in PR: Digital & Social - Response/Real-Time Activity. One Show Gold in Public Relations: Response / Real-Time Activity. One Show Bronze in Social Media: Branded Social Post. One Show Merit in Social Media: Branded Social Campaign and Public Relations: Brands, Products & Services, Clio Awards - Finalist in Crisis & Issue Management, Adweek Media Plan of the Year - Best Use of Social Spending under $500K, MIXX Awards - Finalist in Direct Response and Lead Generation & Finalist in Social - Real-Time Engagement, Crest Awards - Finalist Digital & Finalsit PR Events, New York Festival Awards - Second Prize Award, Golden Award of Montreux - Gold Winner in Best use of Social Media & Gold winner in Social Media, National Addy Awards - Gold Winner Social Media, Single Platform + Best of Show.

Executive Creative Director.

Project Roles
Creative Director
Arnold Worldwide
Creative Direction
Social Media Content
Project Industries