Shattered Crosswords - NYT's First AR Game

As part of the move into spatialized journalism, The New York Times decided to translate their ubiquitous crossword ‘mini’ game into AR. As the lead producer for this project, I handled it from end to end, beginning with multiple prototypes, user testing, production, and release of the game. After that, we continued to hold user tests to iterate on the game, while building up a monthly release schedule cadence alongside the rest of the feature AR effects content calendar.

Project Roles
Interactive Producer, Project Manager
The New York Times
Creative Direction, Creative Research, Producing, Project Management, Technology, Wrangling - Creatives
Augmented Reality
Project Industries
Media, Technology
Shattered Crosswords - NYT's First AR Game
Shattered Crosswords - NYT's First AR Game
Shattered Crosswords - NYT's First AR Game