Favelas YouTube Masthead

During the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Google: Arts & Culture along with YouTube created a microsite to give people a new view of favelas. The favelas of Brazil are considered slums to many, but to the residents it's a vibrant community worth sharing.

To drive people to virtually explore these favelas, Google: Arts & Culture asked us to come up with a simple, yet powerful, masthead on YouTube. We used 360 degree video from the microsite, that gave the viewer a ride through the favelas on the back of a motorcycle. Since it was 360 degree video, the user could look all around on their quick virtual tour. This ad was like no other, and drove people to the microsite, like no other.

Project Roles
Art Director, Designer
Google Maps
Adobe Photoshop, Art Direction, Conceptual, Design, Motion
Advertising, Interactive Videos
Project Industries
Advertising, Technology
Favelas YouTube Masthead