SickKids Family Tree

To celebrate the SickKids community we planted Canada’s largest interactive family tree.

In honour of Family Day 2018, we turned the SickKids community into the SickKids family. We invited community members to show their support by joining our family tree. Using our interactive website, guests helped “grow our tree” by adding their name. We visualized each name as an abstract leaf, which grew into a branch as their friend’s also joined. This interconnectivity helped highlight the amplification effect of a small action. Once they’d added their name, guests were also invited to show their support with a donation.

Project Roles
Art Director, UX/IA Designer
SickKids Foundation
Art Direction, Interaction, Design
Interaction Designs, Microsites, UX Designs
Project Industries
Advertising, Non-Profit
SickKids Family Tree
SickKids Family Tree
SickKids Family Tree